World Photo Competition 2020

Where's the point?
Image Ref: A99M2-7999
Emmanuel Head, Lindisfarne, Northumberland, UK, 22 May 2019. Taken on a blustery day in early summer, this view captures the obelisk that marks the north-eastern point of Lindisfarne (Holy Island) off the Northumberland coast. The man-made architecture contrasts with the textures of the marram grass on the dunes and with cloudscape above.
Full-frame digital image

Towers of London
Image Ref: A99M2-7399
Barbican Estate, London, UK, 10 February 2019. The post-war brutalist architecture of the Barbican is a photographer's dream. Incorporating an international arts centre, a museum, a secondary school, a university, gardens and a parish church, the estate has echoes of a medieval fortress. This wide-angle shot (26 mm) includes the notable triangular tower-blocks of private residential accommodation with crescent forms and service towers, all finished in distinctive chiselled concrete.
Full-frame digital image

Holy Cross
Image Ref: A99M2-9133
Catholic Church, Charlbury, West Oxfordshire, UK, 25 September 2019. The paint on the window-bars may be peeling, but the icons' gaze still draws attention.
Full-frame digital image

Winter Sunrise
Image Ref: A99M2-7292
Captured on 3 February 2019 just as the sun was rising near Lyneham, West Oxfordshire, UK. The colour palette is limited to a monochromatic steely blue relieved only by the peachy light on the skyline. A light dusting of snow on the fields mirrors two solitary vapours trail from early morning flights.
Full-frame digital image

Breakfast Bar
Image Ref: A99M2-7288
January 2019, Langford, West Oxfordshire, UK. In the clear, cold morning light against a milky sky, these sheep compete for the best of the hay – in its eagerness, one has become trapped in the bars of the feeder. Converted to split-tone in post-production.
Full-frame digital image

Red Flags
Image Ref: A99M2-8499
Shot in late June 2019 near Merriscourt, West Oxfordshire, UK last only a few days before their fragile blooms dry and fade. With the increase in organic cultivation they have become a common summer feature, especially at field margins where strips are left uncultivated and unsprayed.
Full-frame digital image

Rannoch Moor from Loch Ba
Image Ref A99M2-9476
On the last day of October 2019, this panorama shows the first winter snows on the tops looking South West towards the Black Mount, shot from the roadside of the A82. The declining sun glimmers through the ever-changing cloudscape contrasting with the bleak wilderness of the moor. Tripod-shot with Fanotec rotator, 1/90th second; f 4.5; 50 mm to minimise distortion when stitching together in Adobe Lightroom Classic.
Panorama created from full-frame digital images

Glen Finglas Burn
Image Ref: A99M2-9277
October 2019, Brig O' Turk, The Trossachs, Scotland, UK. Boulders glisten in the morning sun as water rushes down from the dammed valley of Glen Finglas. This bright subject shot stopped down to give a mid-exposure length (tripod-shot) to blur the motion of the falling water.
Full-frame digital image

Art mirrors life mirrors art
Image Ref: A99M2-8268
June 2019, Kew Gardens, London, UK. An unposed shot of a Dale Chihuly sculpture amongst living specimens in the Temperate House. The visitor's arm following the form of the stylised watering-can form is enhanced by the split-screen effect of the bed meeting the walkway.
Full-frame digital image

Election Day
Image Ref: A99M2-8089
23 May 2019 – election day for the European Union parliament near the polling station in Bamburgh, Northumberland, UK. It was still daylight at 8.30 pm in the evening on the day when the newly-formed Brexit Party became the largest party representing the UK in Europe.
Full-frame digital image

Image Ref: A99M2-8946
1 September 2019, the Wychwood Fair, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, West Oxfordshire, UK. With the advent of female 'sides', traditional Morris regalia has taken a new turn. Subverting the more usual 'face-on' form, this candid obverse portrait highlights the costume's details.
Full-frame digital image

Curry Gravy
Image Ref: A99M2-9352
October 2019, Aberfoyle, Scotland, UK. A distinctly 'end-of-season' air wafts around this refreshment trailer as it prepares for its lonely vigil in the corner of a car-park, its guilty pleasures under lock and key until the tourists return..
Full-frame digital image