Photage.Co is my photographic publishing imprint. I have worked with visual images throughout my career in marketing and graphic design. Photography started as a hobby when I was a student and has been a continuous interest ever since. With the advent of digital photography and increasingly sophisticated post-production tools I developed the craft of not only capturing the image, but presenting it to its best advantage. My subjects range from close-up (macro) photography of flora, through social documentary and portraiture to landscape. A keen advocate of the ‘less is more’ principle, I work almost exclusively with available light.

Oxfordshire Cotswolds Photographer of the Year 2014


Many photographers obsess about their gear and what it can do. For me, it’s simply about how it can allow me to become a better photographer by its ability to capture images that will capture the imagination and linger in the memory. My first student camera was a Minolta SRT100b 35 mm single-lens reflex camera with a 50 mm Rokkor lens – it was the best I could afford in the shop full of Japanese cameras from Canon, Contax, Chinon, Nikon, Pentax, and Yashica. I stayed loyal to Minolta when it produced the first autofocus SLR, briefly flirting with Canon’s first EOS cameras before returning to Konica-Minolta for my first digital camera (Dynax 5D). Minolta was struggling to compete with the Canon/Nikon duopoly in the serious camera market, but a life-line came in its acquisition by Sony in 2006, who have continued to develop cameras and lenses for the original Minolta A-mount system alongside their smaller E-mount system.

I currently use Sony A99II and Sony A850 camera bodies; Sony Zeiss short- and mid-zoom lenses; Minolta 20 mm/50 mm/ 100 mm (macro) RS primes; Minolta G 85 mm and 200 mm primes; Minolta G 80-200 mm zoom and an Apple iPhone SE. Gitzo tripods; Fanotec rotator. Hoya Pro filters. I primarily use Adobe Lightroom post-production software.